Hiring fraud: how to safeguard your organisation

How resilient is your organisation against the rising threat of hiring fraud? In this blog, Keith Rosser, Director of Group Risk & Reed Screening – Reed, explores the worrying trend for fraudulent activity in the recruitment space, from fake qualifications to misuse of AI tools. The good news? Reed Screening has launched new guidance for employers to protect themselves.

6 mins read
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3 months ago

To combat the rising tide of hiring fraud, Reed Screening recently joined forces with the Better Hiring Institute and fraud prevention experts Cifas and ST Smith, to launch guidance for employers. This free, comprehensive eBook is now available to download and provides the latest insight into the gravity and scale of threat facing organisations today.

Complete with case studies highlighting common criminal activity, such as resume fraud and employment scams, the guidance offers solutions to counter these tech-based crimes, helping to protect your recruitment teams from falling victim to imposters and impersonators.

We spoke to Keith Rosser, Director of Group Risk & Reed Screening – Reed, about the new guide, Tackling hiring fraud: the response to a growing problem.


Q: How worried should employers be about hiring fraud – what are the worst-case scenarios?

A: Employers should be very worried about hiring fraud. At Reed Screening, we have made huge progress over the last few years in making hiring faster globally, including being referenced by UK government for our work on digital right to work. However, with the development of technology and improvements in the speed of hiring, we have seen an acceleration and amplification of fraud.

The worst-case scenario could be hiring a bad actor who defrauds the company for significant amounts of money leading to job layoffs and even worse. It could be organised criminal groups putting someone inside an organisation from where they can do significant harm through data theft or financial fraud.

Q: Are some organisations more at risk than others?

A: The risks are different. Financial institutions are clearly big targets for organised crime or even individual bad actors. But hiring fraud includes sex offenders getting work with the vulnerable through new ways of changing identity. Hiring fraud also includes unqualified people getting into roles by falsifying their claims on CVs, such as unqualified nurses let loose on wards.

Digital right to work has changed the way illegal working presents itself, meaning all companies are exposed to hiring fraud that involves illegal working.

Q: Are there statistics that illustrate the impact of hiring fraud, compared with pre-AI times?

A: Stats from Cifas’ Fraudscape 23 report include:

  • An 84% rise in false identities

  • Deepfake videos increasing at an annual rate of 900%

  • 10% of UK adults have lied about their degree qualification within a 12-month period, compared with 8% in 2021

A study by Forbes in 2023 also found that 70% of workers lie on their CV.

Q: The new guidance lists fraud across many areas. Can you highlight a few of the most effective tools and practices to detect/prevent them?

A: The two current greatest threats to employers are arguably ‘reference houses’ and artificial intelligence (AI). Reference houses are sophisticated, organised attempts at helping people deceive the hiring process. Over 100 reference houses were identified in 2023 alone. AI is already being abused by some jobseekers to fool interview processes or identity systems through deep fakes. For both it is essential employers have access to known databases of reference houses, use referencing providers with built-in technology to identify reference houses.

At Reed Screening, we typically flag a few reference houses a month using technology. With regards to AI, employers need to decide what their position is on its use by applicants. The most sensible approach is to allow it, as studies have shown its value in attracting Gen Z workers – but be sure to provide information and rules on how to use it correctly when hiring.

Reed Screening spoke alongside Lord Holmes, academics, legal professionals, and industry at a recent parliamentary briefing on AI in hiring, and we are soon to co-launch the first set of industry best practice on the subject.

Q: Of the different types of hiring fraud, which do you feel presents the biggest challenge for organisations?

A: While a number of areas such as the changing nature of immigration fraud, reference houses, and employment scams are rapidly on the rise and posing important questions to business, the single biggest issue is going to be the misuse of AI in hiring. It is already here with industry studies suggested seven-in-10 job applicants have already used AI in some way during their job search.

AI has a lot of exciting benefits and will create a lot of positive opportunities, but it can be misused too. How will companies in future ensure they are hiring the right people when ChatGPT can be employed with competency-based applications and interviews? AI-powered services are already in place tailoring en masse whatever jobseekers put on their CV to meet the requirements of multiple jobs, and deepfakes and associated technology are developing at a fast rate to impersonate people, driving identity fraud and fooling employers.

We are in the foothills about to start the climb, but the pace of change will be like nothing we have seen before. The only comparison I can draw would be the dawn of the internet. AI will be that impactful on hiring.

Q: How might overstretched businesses cope with the costs of implementing/updating safeguarding measures?

A: The challenge for employers is that hiring fraud and available technology to combat it are continuously evolving. Outsourcing is not only the easiest way to remedy this, it is usually the most cost-effective solution too. With many screening companies operating now owned by global firms, never has it been more important to choose the right specialist developing the future policy, legislation, and systems needed to respond.

Q: What action should organisations take if they suspect fraudulent hiring activity?

A: The free guide, spearheaded by the Better Hiring Institute, ‘Tackling hiring fraud: the response to a growing problem’, and co-written by Reed Screening and Cifas, contains a useful checklist for human resources directors and chief people officers to ensure their organisation has all the right defences in place. In terms of reporting issues, it depends on the type and nature of the fraud. If the fraud has been perpetrated by a recruitment agency or job board, this can be reported to the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate to deal with non-compliant recruitment agencies.

Depending on the severity of the fraud, organisations may well also need to inform insurers, external auditors, and the police. Where an organisation identifies an individual applicant who has committed hiring fraud, in most cases this person will be rejected from the role on the grounds of dishonesty.

Q: How else can Reed Screening help employers?

A: Reed Screening is redefining employment screening. Having worked with the UK Home Office to develop digital right to work, we have since worked with various UK government departments to develop ways of making hiring the faster. Our work in parliament has led to a range of changes and will continue to do so. All of that means Reed Screening can advise hirers on what the future holds, not just on what current legislation says.

As a UK-based, 24-7, family-owned business, we lead on UK employment screening while also having the capability to conduct screening globally. We have recently built brand-new technology platforms with a real focus on speed and candidate journey. As one of the biggest hiring organisations in the UK, we understand the importance of hiring quickly and efficiently with a strong candidate focus.

Our various roles across industry and UK government mean we are setting the new standards for hiring including national hiring frameworks, setting the standard on hiring fraud, and setting the direction on AI in hiring. Reed Screening also chairs the Criminal Records Trade Body as well as running the largest series of free webinars for employers on all aspects of screening and onboarding.

Download the free guide now: Tackling hiring fraud: the response to a growing problem.

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The importance of ADHD understanding in education
4 mins read

The importance of ADHD understanding in education

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects both children and adults. It is characterised by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which can significantly impact daily life and functioning.

As a well-recognised condition, October is the month focused on increasing awareness and support available for those affected. The exact cause of ADHD is not fully understood, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

It is a lifelong condition that you are born with, and is often diagnosed in childhood, however, as awareness increases, many adults now find themselves seeking diagnosis.

ADHD classifications

There are three clinically recognised types of ADHD, these are:

Inattentive type (ADHD-I)

Symptoms: Difficulty sustaining attention, easily distracted, forgetfulness, and trouble organising tasks. Individuals may appear daydreamy and slow to process information.

Common in: More frequently diagnosed in girls, who may not exhibit hyperactive behaviours.

Hyperactive-impulsive type (ADHD-HI)

Symptoms: Excessive fidgeting, difficulty staying seated, talking excessively, and acting without thinking. These individuals are often described as being “on the go” and may struggle with waiting their turn.

Common in: More commonly diagnosed in boys, who may display more hyperactive behaviours.

Combine type (ADHD-C)

Symptoms: A combination of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms. This is the most common type of ADHD, where individuals exhibit a mix of both sets of symptoms.

Common in: Both boys and girls, as it encompasses a broader range of behaviours.

However, what you must remember is that though these are ‘typical’ definitions, each type presents differently in individuals. For example, a student might frequently lose their homework, forget to bring the necessary materials to class, and have difficulty following through on instructions. Or one of your teaching colleagues could find it challenging to manage their time effectively and miss important deadlines or forget they have meetings.

Whatever the symptoms, in my experience, if supported with the right understanding, tools and resources, those with ADHD can thrive, just as well, if not more, than those that don’t have it.

Why is raising awareness so important in education?

Raising awareness of ADHD in schools is crucial for fostering an environment where both staff and students can thrive. When educators have a deeper understanding of ADHD, they are better equipped to provide the necessary support for students who live with the condition. Too often, these students face challenges that, without proper awareness, go unrecognised or misunderstood.

Educators who are informed about ADHD can tailor their approach, offering strategies such as breaking down instructions, simplifying tasks, and providing more consistent feedback. These small yet impactful adjustments can make a significant difference in a student’s academic experience, ensuring they have the same opportunities for success as their peers.

Another benefit of increased awareness is the potential for early identification of ADHD. Many students go through their school years undiagnosed, struggling with focus, organisation, or impulsive behaviours that are misinterpreted as behavioural issues. When ADHD is identified early, schools can work in partnership with parents and specialists to intervene before these struggles manifest into more significant academic or social difficulties. Early intervention gives students the tools they need to manage their symptoms effectively, which can positively impact their long-term success and mental well-being.

Equally important is addressing the stigma that still surrounds ADHD - it’s getting better, but we are a long way off yet. Far too often, students with ADHD are labelled as ‘lazy’, ‘disruptive’ or ‘difficult’, when they’re grappling with neurological differences that affect their ability to concentrate and regulate their behaviour. Raising awareness helps dismantle these harmful stereotypes, replacing them with empathy and understanding.

As schools become more inclusive and accepting of diverse learning needs, students with ADHD will feel more supported and less isolated. This shift in perspective not only benefits the individuals with ADHD but also enriches the school culture, creating a more compassionate and collaborative community.

Beyond the classroom, raising awareness among students is just as vital. When pupils understand ADHD, particularly those who are diagnosed with it, they can better advocate for themselves. Self-awareness allows them to take charge of their learning, request the support they need, and develop coping strategies that can serve them throughout their educational journey and into adulthood. Empowering students in this way builds their confidence and fosters resilience.

Ideas to help raise awareness in your school

October is ADHD Awareness Month, a prime time for pupils and staff alike to focus on ADHD in your school or Trust.

Why not celebrate the achievements of those with ADHD in an assembly, get an expert to come into school and explain what ADHD is to staff and pupils, perhaps you could encourage children to create a short play on the topic, or even write an essay or short story.

Whatever you chose to do, remember that a school culture which embraces an understanding of ADHD ultimately becomes stronger, more compassionate, and better equipped to nurture every learner and staff member.

Watch our webinar 'Empowering workplaces: navigating ADHD'.

Business support senior CV template
2 mins read

Business support senior CV template

​[Full Name]
[Home address]
[Contact Number] • [Email Address]

Personal statement

This section is your chance to summarise the rest of the CV, and convince the recruiter to get in touch. It is important to keep it brief, between 50-200 words and outline who you are, the skills you have to offer, and your career aim.

I have [number of years] experience as a [job title], and am highly skilled in [technologies/systems/area of expertise] thanks to my roles with [previous employers].

During my time with [organisation], I was responsible for/organised [task], and increased [profit/other metric] by [£X/X%]. My other notable achievements include [awards/leading teams/implementing change].

I am looking for an opportunity within an [business type/industry] organisation, where I can bring significant value and continue to develop my skills further.


This is your chance to talk about your qualifications, academic and vocational. You should give detail about what you studied, where and when, and list them in chronological order. If you have many of one qualification, such as GCSEs, you might find it useful to group them together.

[College/School Name]
[Date M/Y– Date M/Y]


  • [Subject] – [Grade]

  • [Subject] – [Grade]

  • [Subject] – [Grade]

[College/School Name]
[Date M/Y– Date M/Y]


  • [Number] GCSEs, grades [range], including Maths and English.

Work experience

This should be brief and, as a general rule of thumb, focus on the last five years of your career, or last three roles, in chronological order, with most recent at the top. You should highlight your key achievements, and use bullet points rather than lengthy descriptions.

[Job Title], [Company Name], [Location]
[Date M/Y- Date M/Y]

Achievements and responsibilities:

  • Brief role overview

  • Work alongside [team] to produce [project]

  • Implemented [change] which resulted in [benefit]

  • Received an [award name] for [reason]

Hobbies and interests

This section is not essential to include, but you may wish to, depending on the role you are applying for. It can be a useful chance to show a little more of your personality. However, be warned this can be very subjective, ensure anything listed here reinforces your application, and the idea that you’ll be the right fit for the role. If you don’t have any real relatable hobbies, it is probably best to omit this section:

I organise a weekly [sport] game, manage bookings, transport and help to coach the team.

Undertook a [course] in order to improve my [skill].


References are available upon request.

Alex Partridge, Founder of UNILAD and LADbible, on ADHD at work
5 mins read
  1. Featured

Alex Partridge, Founder of UNILAD and LADbible, on ADHD at work

​When Alex was diagnosed with ADHD at 34, it was a moment that put the rest of his life – and career – in context. In our webinar, Alex reflected on that career, the challenges he faced, and how simple accommodations in the workplace can make a massive difference.

“I got diagnosed with ADHD about a year and a half ago at age 34,” Alex said, explaining how the condition impacted his entrepreneurial journey without him fully realising it.

“Looking back now, through the lens of ADHD, I can see why a lot of my early businesses failed.”

He recounted a story from his university days when he impulsively started a late-night pizza delivery service: “A week later, my interest in the idea evaporated and disappeared. That was one of 10 or 15 businesses that I started and subsequently abandoned before landing on the ones that did sustain my interest.”

This impulsivity and rollercoaster of interest are common traits of ADHD. It’s a condition that’s misunderstood by many, and Alex is on a mission to change that perception -especially in the workplace.

The challenges of ADHD in the workplace

One of the key issues Alex emphasised as part of the webinar with Reed was the disconnect between traditional office environments and the way ADHD brains function.

“When you're forced into an office that's not suited to your brain, it can lead to overstimulation and almost a shutdown,” he said.

“I remember working in a marketing agency in a busy office. The noise, the ping pong table, the constant chatter - it completely paralysed my ability to work. Yet, when I asked to work in a quieter space and be judged on my outcomes rather than my processes, my productivity skyrocketed.

“In just six weeks, I grew the company’s social media following from zero to eight million.”

This experience highlights how simple accommodations, such as offering quiet spaces or allowing flexibility in how tasks are completed, can transform an employee’s productivity.

Common misconceptions about ADHD

One of the biggest obstacles for neurodivergent individuals in the workplace is the stigma attached to ADHD.

Alex said many people still have outdated views: “A common misconception is that ADHD means you’re physically hyperactive and constantly moving around the office. But for many people, particularly women, ADHD is internalised - it's a racing mind rather than fidgety behaviour.”

He added that employers often assume people with ADHD can’t focus, which couldn’t be further from the truth: “People with ADHD don’t have a deficit of attention - they have an abundance of it.

“When we’re interested in something, we can laser in and focus better than most. The challenge is accommodating for those things that capture our attention.”

Another myth Alex addressed is that people with ADHD can’t handle leadership roles.

He said: “In reality, people with ADHD can thrive in leadership positions. The fast pace, high pressure, and need for constant novelty are perfect for us.”

Accommodations that make a difference

So, what can employers do to help their ADHD employees thrive?

“The most important thing employers can do is show they understand,” Alex said. “Create a safe space where employees feel comfortable asking for help without fear of discrimination.

“Something as simple as putting a policy notice on your website or bringing in neurodivergent speakers can make a huge difference.”

On a practical level, Alex suggested allowing flexibility in how and when work is completed.

“Not everyone works well in a nine-to-five structure,” he said, “some people might do 40 hours of work in just four hours if you let them work on their terms. Judge employees by their outcomes, not their processes.”

Other accommodations Alex suggested included offering quiet spaces, providing written instructions rather than verbal ones, and breaking down large projects into smaller tasks with mini-deadlines: “For people with ADHD, having smaller, achievable goals can reduce overwhelm and improve task initiation.

He also encouraged the use of tools like noise-cancelling headphones and fidget toys in the office.

“I always have a thumb stone with me when I’m working, it helps channel some of the physical hyperactivity,” he added. “Normalising these tools can help employees manage their ADHD in a productive way.”

Recognising the signs of ADHD in your employees

Alex said managers who are unsure of how to spot employees who might be struggling with ADHD should look out for signs of anxiety or be aware if someone is withdrawing from meetings or experiences sudden changes in their behaviour.

Employers who suspect someone has ADHD or another neurodivergent condition should approach the situation with care.

“Send a private email or have a private conversation,” Alex said. “Ask if there’s anything you can do to help and work with the employee to create a plan moving forward.

“It’s important to have regular check-ins to ensure that the support remains consistent and effective.”

A call for more awareness and action

Alex’s message is clear: accommodating neurodiverse employees isn’t just the right thing to do - it’s smart business.

“People with ADHD bring incredible creativity, problem-solving skills, and entrepreneurial thinking to the table. With just a few adjustments, they can be a massive asset to any company.”

Alex Partridge, Founder of UNILAD and LADbible

For employers, creating an inclusive environment where neurodivergent employees can succeed is not just about ticking boxes, it’s about recognising and celebrating different ways of thinking.

As Alex said: “The best ideas often come from the quietest minds in the room. You just need to give them the space and time to be heard.”

Through his podcast, ADHD Chatter, Alex continues to raise awareness, share stories, and advocate for change in how society and workplaces understand ADHD.

This article highlights only a small number of recommendations from Alex. If you didn’t get a chance to watch our fireside chat with him, you can watch the recording of the event below: